
Thursday, 4 August 2016

leonardy Egg 20m sprint

Introduciton - who what where when. 1 sentences MakerBots & Drones 2 sentences Makeymakeys & Hyperduinos Write Here: Who Room 9.What Egg race.When monday.Where pt England school. Paragraph 2 Describing our egg. 2 sentences MakerBots & Drones 3 sentences Makeymakeys & Hyperduinos Write Here: My Egg is name is could Bryan.Bryan came from jamaica.And my friend Paragraph 3 What happen in the race 2 sentences MakerBots & Drones 3 sentences Makeymakeys & Hyperduinos Write Here: When the race started i was coming 1st and you no what Paragraph 4 - Conclusion (Write your main idea for this paragraph here) 1 sentences MakerBots & Drones 1 sentences Makeymakeys & Hyperduinos Write Here: My highlight for the day is race and draw