
Thursday, 8 November 2018

Leonardys free wonder witing

I miss my friend that passed away. His name was tupiua. He passed away because he had a heart attack at the pool. I beat him in a bombing battle. He became so upset that he lost - it caused his heart attack. When I went to help him it was too late because - he had died. I called for help but nobody came, I rushed him to the hospital hoping they could bring him back to life. I waiting waiting and waiting but so then they gave me the news. I was so happy because They bring him back to life. After that me and my friend tupua went to the MCDONALDS In town. Me and my friend tupiua enjoyed our time…..THE END

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leonardy, wow I almost started to cry reading this and then you said he survived. What a turn around. Beautiful story. Thanks for writing this. Watch out, McDonalds can sometimes be a cause of heart attacks too if you eat too much of it.
    Keep up the good work!
